Authentic naturally extracted tobacco e-liquid

If you take a look at what your favorite vape shop is offering, you’ll see that your supermarket isn’t the only place selling organic products. Whilst the synthetic tobacco and flavorings found in most e-liquids are perfectly safe and satisfy those cravings, they are no substitute for the real thing. Vape juice with naturally extracted tobacco provides superior quality and taste compared to other e-liquids.  Additionally, the hits of nicotine you get from naturally extracted tobacco are about as close as you can get to a cigarette without smoking a cigarette.

Flavors truly come alive with naturally extracted e-liquids, providing a crisper, more robust, and natural taste. If you’re all about authenticity and natural products, then naturally extracted tobacco e-liquids are made just for you.

How is Naturally Extracted Tobacco E-liquid Made?

Natural tobacco e-liquid is truly a labor of love. It is a long process, but the results are more than worth it. The most authentic natural tobacco e-liquids are created through a process called cold maceration. The most expensive and time-consuming method, cold maceration uses high-quality, natural tobacco leaves. They are soaked in e-liquid without the use of heat, allowing the tobacco’s nuanced richness to infuse into the e-liquid naturally. This is a similar process to how many higher-end red wines are made.

Because this process costs more in terms of labor and materials, most e-liquid companies use synthetic flavorings in their e-liquids. Most vape users are perfectly happy with synthetic vape juices, but it is worth noting that these juices do not have the same intense, organic flavor profile as naturally extracted e-liquids.

Technology has come a long way and many of our favorite foods and drinks are flavored artificially. As near to the real thing as they may be, no synthetic substitute is ever as good as the real thing. If you are someone who prefers natural and organic sources in your products or is someone who simply enjoys reaching for top-shelf bottles, then these e-liquids are sure to delight you.

Whatever your vaping needs are, Vape Guru can meet them. Our online vape shop sells everything from premium e-liquids to nicotine-free vapes plus everything in between. For the best e-cigarette shop online in the UK.